Wednesday 19 June 2013

South Wales Bike Ride 23rd June 2013

Don't forget this Sunday is the annual South Wales Bike Ride organised by the British Heart Foundation.

In 2013 you can choose from 3 routes - 12, 28, or 46 miles and entry is £15 on the day.

For more information go to the BHF website

Good luck to everyone riding this Sunday and supporting this important charity.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Bristol BikeFest 2013

So we survived this years Bristol BikeFest. made a video of the Saturday.


Gareth, who started the race for the 4 man team is in the video 20 seconds in, and my feet make an appearance at 1.58 :)
(I'm not sure how anybody recognised my feet but there we go)

Jamie getting the bikes sorted before the start

We had two teams. One team in the Old Gits category (over 40's) and a 4 man team all under 24 years old. Phil missed the day as he was ill with flu.

This is the change over area, it was a bit of a bun fight

Relaxing before heading out for another lap

Both teams finished with a total of 16 laps, with the Old Gits pair taking 11 hours 18 mins and the 4 man team taking 11 hours 31 mins.

Everyone enjoyed themselves (well we did in the Old Gits,  so much so that we are entering OktoberFest)

